Arise Chiropractic and Wellness Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic Vernon BC Back Pain

When the Pain Comes out of Nowhere…

Written by Dr. Elliot Lysyk, DC ~ Vernon Chiropractor Were you ever warned that as soon as you turn 40, there were some prizes in store for you? Socks become harder to put on, your body is stiffer in the morning from that difficult night’s sleep…or you might wake up and have a kink in…

Physiotherapy Vernon BC Lady Smiling

The Importance of Posture

Posture? I can just hear you now. Boring! Who cares? Yawn. The word “posture” reminds us of the times when our grandparents nagged us to stand up straighter. But here’s the thing—posture is super important.  It’s not just about standing straight; it’s actually the window into your spine’s health and alignment. Do you have crooked…

Chiropractic Vernon BC Pills

Decreasing Our Reliance on Medications

Written by Dr. Elliot Lysyk, DC ~ Vernon Chiropractor As a community, we have become far too reliant on medications and surgery for our health concerns. This has led to an overburdened system, with long wait-lists to see specialists and very little investment in prevention. The only way to relieve those 12-to-18-month wait-lists for surgery,…

Chiropractic Vernon BC Fruit

Knock, Knock. Who’s There? Orange. Orange Who? (Orange You Glad I Didn’t Say Banana?)

Written by Dr. Elliot Lysyk, DC ~ Vernon Chiropractor Have you ever noticed that if the skin of a fruit, say an orange, is punctured, that mold, bacteria and other microbes quickly move in and start decomposing the fruit? Obviously, you think. If the orange was still hanging from its host tree, the intelligence running…

Chiropractic Vernon BC Toothpaste

Parenting – Precious Annoying Moments

Written by Dr. Elliot Lysyk, DC ~ Vernon Chiropractor Last night I found this toothpaste tube on the bathroom counter after my 6-year-old daughter finished brushing her teeth. My foundational belief on how toothpaste should be expunged from its tube was challenged. It was impossible to squeeze it any harder to get more out, so…

Chiropractor Vernon BC Elliot Lysyk Garlic

Garlic – The Secret Love of My Life

Written by Dr. Elliot Lysyk, DC ~ Vernon Chiropractor I know it’s strange to proclaim a perennial plant from the amaryllis family the love of my life, but judging by how much these tasty cloves make their way into my cooking, that’s really the best way to put it! As a child, I remember watching…